Imam Hasan:
The goodness of Imam Hasan peace be upon him has been shown in many matters regarding his name that is derived from one of the names of the Almighty Allah (Al-Mohsin). Allah named him ...
The referendum about addicting to social media
In the name of Allah,
Question no.1
The eminence of the religious senior leader Mohammed Al-Yaqoobi (May Allah saves him). Peace be upon you (Alsalam Alykom)
through our search to researches ...
The referendum of taking the vaccine for Haj
In the name of Allah
The eminence sheikh Mohammed Al-Yaqoobi, peace be upon you,
According the recent decisions that everyone who do Haj, he should be vaccinated and shown a proof ...
In the name of Allah
“Of them is he who saith: Grant me leave (to stay at home) and tempt me not. Surely it is into temptation that they (thus) have fallen. Lo! hell, verily is all around ...
In the name of Allah,
Al-Yaqoobi: Imam Hussein’s ceremonies during the Coronavirus epidemic.
Unconditionally, Imam Hussein’s ceremonies consider being one of the greatest religious ceremonies. By its blessing, it impacts to preserve and persist the religion to be ...
Comparison between (The truthful and pure one) Fatima Al-Zahraa (peace be upon her) and the mistress Mary (Mariam Bint Omran)
The household members have a special strong affection relationship with the truthful and pure ...
Puberty in girls
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful
His Eminence the religious authority, Sheikh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barkatu
Is it true that you disagree with the famous jurists regarding the issue ...
The Grand Ayatollah Yaqoobi: make donations on behalf of Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him)
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful
The Grand Ayatollah Yaqoobi: make donations on behalf of Imam Mahdi (peace ...
Question about the fasting of Ramadan in an era when the world is going through the epidemic of corona virus.
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful
His Eminence the religious authority, Sheikh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi
Assalamu ...
The Jacobite Reference urges adherence to health instructions and guidelines to cordon the spread of the new Corona virus and stresses the supplication and return to God Almighty to reveal badness and calamity
In the name of God ...