Comparison between (The truthful and pure one) Fatima Al-Zahraa (peace be upon her) and the mistress Mary (Mariam Bint Omran)

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Comparison between (The truthful and pure one) Fatima Al-Zahraa (peace be upon her) and the mistress Mary (Mariam Bint Omran)
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       Comparison between (The truthful and pure one) Fatima Al-Zahraa (peace be upon her) and the mistress Mary (Mariam Bint Omran)



     The household members have a special strong affection relationship with the truthful and pure one Mary because she has similar features with Fatima Al-Zahraa (peace be upon them) with preserved proceeded features to Fatima Al-Zahraa.


     Mary acquired from the mistress of all the women in the world Fatima her blessed lights. She glittered in her mihrab (niche). The narrative of Imam Al-Baqer (peace be upon him) says "she was the most beautiful. While she was praying, her blessing lights filled and flourished the niche".

Mary was muhadatha (the one other than the prophet to whom an angel speaks) and this name is one of Fatima's holy names. In this verse of Surat (Al-E-Imran: 42), the angels said, "O Mary, God has chosen you, and has purified you. He has chosen you over all the women of the world." And also in Surat (Maryam: 17)

"Then We spent unto her Our Spirit". About Imam Al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) he says 'Fatima acquired that name as Muhadatha, because the angels were fallen from the sky and they call her as they call Maryam and they say "O Mary, God has chosen you, and has purified you. He has chosen you over all the women of the world" and also in this verse "O Mary! Be obedient to thy Lord, prostrate thyself and bow with those who bow (in worship)". They spoke to each other and one night she said 'Maryam was preferable of all the women in the world, wasn't she?' so, they replied 'Maryam was the mistress of her world and Allah made you the mistress of her world and yours and the mistress of a multitude of those old and those of later time.' 2

     Regarding the purification, a verse in Quran shows that describing the purity of the Household members (peace be upon them) and the verse says in (AL-AHZAB: 33) "Allah intends only to remove from you the impurity [of sin], O people of the [Prophet's] household, and to purify you with [extensive] purification."

Particularly, regarding the selection and sovereignty that Mary and Fatima became the mistress of all the women of the world. According to the story of the Almofadhal Bin Omar that one day he asked Imam Al-Sadiq by asking him "who is the real mistress of all the women in the universe Mary or Fatima?” Imam Al-Sadiq answered him "Fatima is the actual mistress of all the women in the world in the meantime and later life. While Mary is the mistress of her own time on the contrary of Fatima."3 


         Mary has specific Godly selection at the moment when she was pregnant to Jesus Christ and by that she prevails the rest of the women in the world 4, but Fatima has the absolute selection and by that she prevails over all the women in the world, (which means that she comes first then all the women in the universe come after her). There is a speech to Imam Ali (peace be upon him) at the event of his mirage to Fatima and also by the Messenger of Allah Mohammed's prayer (peace be upon him). Mohammed requested Imam Ali to say "On Allah's blessing, Mashallah, there is no extreme power but Allah and I put my trust on Allah."

Imam Ali asked to sit beside Fatima by Mohammed's order then Mohammed starts to say "O Allah, they are my most loveable creatures so love them, bless their springs, by you they become safe and by you, Satan won't reach them."5


          In connection with the substance of what Fatima has from food and found by the messenger of Allah, another story by Huthaifa Bin Al-Yaman that one day Mohammed and his fellas when they entered Fatima's house. The messenger of Allah asked her 'where did you get this food' and she replied by using a Verse in the Quran "That Allah may reward them [according to] the best of what they did and increase them from His bounty. And Allah gives provision to whom He wills without an account". When Mohammed went out, he thanked Allah that about what he heard and found in his daughter's house Fatima and that event reminded him by Zakaria (peace be upon him) when he asked Mary (Maryam) about the food she had and she also replied her father the same verse in Quran "That Allah may reward them [according to] the best of what they did and increase them from His bounty. And Allah gives provision to whom He wills without account."6



Eventually, the following poem shows the similarity status between Fatima and Mary (peace be upon them):






If were said Eve, I said Fatima her honor

If were said Mary, I said Fatima is the preferable one

Does Mary have a father like Mohammed?

Or does Mary has a son like what Fatima has (Ali)?

There are a special and miraculous pregnancy and minds by which the eyes being amazed.

To a palm tree, she approaches and delicious edible dates have fallen

With no terrible, she gave birth to Jesus and with her brave guardian

To the door of the house by the wall, she approached

The daughter of Mohammed fell and she miscarriage.

If were said Eve, I said Fatima her honor

If were said Mary, I said Fatima is the preferable one

Does Mary has a father like Mohammed?

Or does Mary has a son like what Fatima has (Ali)?

There is a special and miraculous pregnancy and minds by which the eyes being amazed.

To a palm tree she approaches and delicious edible dates fallen

With no terrible she gave birth to Jesus and with her brave guardian

To the door of the house by the wall she approached

The daughter of Mohammed fell down and she miscarriage.

She fell down with her fetus, around her the most hatred men

Some treated her severely, some abused her and some kicked her

The lion (Ali) she has and no fear and problem would happen

At the Day of Judgment to Allah she will complain

With her hands upraised the fetus

One complain of her to Allah, the whole universe will be quaking






-         * published in Al-Sadiqeen paper 202 the next page dated 27 Dhul Qi’dah 1441  Hijri

-         (1) Alburhan fe tafser al Quran 2/33 about Al-Ayashi interpretation 1/193

-         (2) Alel Alsharaeea 1/216 Tafser Noor Althaqalain

-         (3) Alburhan Fe Tafseer Al-Quran 2/216: 7 An Ma’ani Alakhbar Le Al-Sadooq 107: P1

-         (4) Almezan Fi Tafseer Al-Quran 3/218

-         (5) Amali Al-sheikh Al-Tossi 40 : Tafseer Noor Althaqalain 1/333

-         (6) Al-Burhan Fi Tafser Al-Quran 2/216  8 An Amali Al-sheikh Al-Tossi 2/227

-         (7) Dewan Alsheikh Mohssen Abo Al-Hub Al-Kabeer / page : 128