The month of Rajab

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The month of Rajab
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The month of Rajab
Take advantage of good opportunities
The importance of Rajab is not only arising from the honor and dignity of the same month and the great divine attributes available to the servants in it, rather, it is because of the beginning of the most famous hospitality of Rahman, which is completed in the month of Ramadan. We must qualify ourselves to receive these divine delicacies by paying more attention, remembrance and review of our relationship with God Almighty. This review and accountability will be based on several axes and several directions. The good deeds that we used to do, we must maintain and improve their performance and that we were not doing quickly we do them and if something left from the previous action we complete it. If there is something in our life’s programs that is wasting our valuable time from our lives in what does not help us in the hereafter we must avoid it and turn it into a productive time with good deeds.
grand Ayatollah sheik Muhammad Yaqoobi