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In the presentation of the following forty Hadiths, I will rather stop at citing the texts of the Hadith than mention the series and ways of narrators. I will also use suitable titles according to their contents. The explanations of these Hadiths will be put off to another occasion. Finally, I will not bind myself with exactly forty Hadiths since traditions that urge on retaining forty Hadiths have not specified this number as stipulation; rather any addition to the number will be good.


Part 3


(1)               The Verses of the Holy Qur'an are Attainable Treasures

Imam 'Ali ibn al-Husayn Zayn al- 'Abidin is reported to have said, "The verses of the Qur'an are treasures; when any of these treasures are opened, it is necessary to look in it." [1]


(2)               Recitation of the Holy Qur'an At Homes

It has been narrated on the authority of Imam Ja'far al-sadiq that Imam 'Ali said, "As for the houses in which the Holy Qur'an is recited and Almighty Allah is very much mentioned; their blessings will be increased, they will be attended by the angels and will be deserted by devils and they will shine for the inhabitants of the heavens in the same way as stars are shining for the inhabitants of the earth. On the other hand, as for the houses in which the Holy Qur'an is not recited and Almighty Allah is not mentioned; their blessings will be decreased and they will be deserted by the angels and attended by the devils." [2]


(3)               Seeking Earnings Does not Prevent Observance of the Holy Qur'an

Imam Ja'far al-sadiq is reported to have said, "When the merchants among you who are very busy in their commerce return home, they can easily recite a Sarah from the Qur'an before they go to sleep. If they do so, they will be awarded ten excellent marks for each verse that they recite and will be pardoned from the penalty of ten bad deeds that they have done." [3]

(4)               Recite in the Copies of the Holy Qur'an Even the Verses are Learnt by Heart

Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq is reported to have said, "He whoever recites the Qur'an in its books will have been awarded visual amusements, and the punishment that is decided for his parents will be commuted even if they were atheists." [4]

The Holy Prophet is reported to have said, "The most. annoying thing for Satan is the recitation of the Qur'an from its book. " [5]

"Mere looking in the books of the Qur'an is an act of worship." [6]

This is the least act that can be performed by those who cannot read, otherwise they must listen to the Holy Qur'an whenever recited.

It has been narrated that Ishaq ibn 'Ammar once asked Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq whether it is preferred to recite the Holy Qur'an by heart or to recite it from its book. The Imam answered, "It is favorable to recite it while looking into its book. You should have known that looking in the books of the Holy Qur'an is an act of worship." [7]

(5)               Having of a Copy of the Holy Qur'an in Houses

Imam al-sadiq is reported to have said, "Verily, I like having a copy of the Qur'an in my house owing to which Almighty Allah dismisses the devils thereof."  [8]

(6)               Slow Recitation of the Holy Qur'an and Non- Precipitancy

It has been narrated that 'Abdullah ibn Sulayman once asked Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq about the interpretation of Almighty Allah's saying, "And recite the Qur'an as it ought to be recited. 73/4" The Imam answered, "Amir al-mu'minin (Imam Ali) explained this by saying: To recite it is to manifest obviously its pronunciations and not to deliver it like poetry nor to chant it like prose; rather one must beat the hard hearts with it. Attainment of the last of a Surah must not be the one and only concern of a reciter of the Qur'an." [9]

Interpreting Almighty Allah's saying, "Those to whom We have given the Book read it as it ought to be read. 2/121," Imam Ja'far al-Wig is reported to have said, "To read it as it ought to be read is to stop at mention of Paradise and Hell. In the first, one must ask Almighty Allah to lead him to it; and in the second, one must ask Hun to save him from it" [10]

Imam Ja'far al-sadiq is also reported as saying, "Verily, this Qur'an must not be recited babblingly; rather it must be recited obviously and slowly. When a verse referring to Paradise is reached, one must pause and ask Almighty Allah to let him enter there; and when a verse referring to Hell is reached, one must pause and ask Almighty Allah to protect him against it. " [11]

(7)               Reciting the Holy Qur'an in Sad Tone and Avoidance of the Pretended Faintness and Swoon

Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq is reported to have said, "Verily, the Qur'an was revealed with sadness; you therefore should recite in with sand tone." [12]

It has been narrated that Hafs said, "I have never seen anyone like Musa ibn Ja'far (Imam al-Kazim) in terms of piety and hope for Almighty Allah. He used to recite the Holy Qur'an in a sad tone as if he was addressing a person." [13]

It has been also narrated that Jabir ibn 'Abdullah al-Ansariy said that he once said to Imam Muhammad al-Baqir that there was a group of people who, whenever they mention the Holy Qur'an or whenever it is recited before them, would fell in swoon to the degree that even if their legs and hands are severed, they would not feel. Imam Muhammad al-Baqir replied, "Glory be to Allah! The source of such states is Satan! The true believers have not been described with such qualities; rather they are described as lenient, softhearted, teary and fearful." [14]


(8)               Raise the Voice with the Holy Qur'an

It has been narrated that Mu'awiyah ibn 'Ammar once asked Imam Ja'far al-sadiq whether it is permissible to raise the voice with the Supplications and the Holy Qur'an since some individuals cannot understand what they recite unless they recite it audibly. Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq answered, "This is acceptable. 'Ali ibn al-husayn (Imam Zayn al-Abidin) had a very nice voice whenever he recited the Qur'an. He thus used to recite it so loudly that everybody in his house would hear him. Similarly, Abu-Ja'far (Imam Muhammad al-Baqir) had a very nice voice whenever he recited the Qur'an. When he practiced the night acts of worship, he used to raise his voice with the recitation. Hence, those who passed by his house at these hours would stop and listen to him." [15]


(9)               The Forbiddance of Singing the Holy Qur'an

It has been narrated that Imam Ja'far al-sadiq said that the Holy Prophet said, "Recite the Qur'an with the tones and voices of the Arabs. Beware of reciting it with the tones of the transgressors and the sinners. After me, I see coming that some peoples will recite the Qur'an in the same tunes of singing, mourning and monasticism. As for such peoples and those whom they admire, the Qur'an shall not reach even their clavicles." [16]


(10)           Listening to the Holy Qur'an

From an ethical aspect, it is obligatory to listen to the Holy Qur'an; and according to the Islamic law, it is recommended to listen to it except when it is recited during prayers.

It has been narrated that 'Abdullah ibn Abi-Ya'fur asked Imam Ja'far al-sadiq whether it is obligatory to pay heed and listen to the Holy Qur'an when it is heard. The Imam answered, "Yes it is. When the Qur'an is recited before you, you must pay heed and listen to it." [17]

It has been narrated on the authority of Zurarah that Imam Muhammad al-Baqir said, "When the Qur'an is recited during an obligatory congregational prayer, you must pay heed and listen to it that you may receive mercy." [18]

[1] Ibid.

[2] Al-hurr al-'Amiliy: Wasail al-Shi'ah 4:850.

[3] A1-hurr al-'Amiliy: Wasa'il al-Shi'ah 4:853.

[4] Ibid.

[5] Ibid.

[6] Ibid 4:854.

[7] Al-Hurr al-'Amiliy: wasa'il al-Shi'ah 4:854.

[8] Ibid 4:855.

[9] ibid 4:856.

[10] A1-hurr al-'Amiliy: Wasa'il al-Shi'ah 4:63.

[11] Ibid 4:63.

[12] Ibid 4:857.

[13] Ibid 4:857.

[14] Al-hurr al-amiliy: wasa'il al-Shi'ah 4:860.

[15] Ibid 4:858.

[16] Ibid 4:858.

[17] Al-hurr al-'Amiliy: wasail al-Shi'ah 4:861.

[18] Ibid.