Taqleed (Imitation) of Maraja from the past and acting upon obligatory precaution

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Taqleed (Imitation) of Maraja from the past and acting upon obligatory precaution


To the Honorable Sheikh Muhammad Yaqoobi,

Peace and blessings be upon you

1.)                        Is it permitted to remain upon the taqleed of Sayyed Khoie or other than him from amongst the maraja of the past?

2.)                        Is it permitted to refer to others in matters of obligatory precaution that’s mentioned in books of Islamic rulings?


In His Name The Exalted

1.)                         We permit that if one was on the taqleed of Sayyed Khoie or Shaheed Muhammad Baqir asSadr or Shaheed Muhammmad Sadiq asSadr, to remain on their taqleed if they wish to do so and to refer back to me in newly occurring matters and issues.

2.)                         We stress that the mukallif (who who’s responsible in following the Islamic laws) to act upon the matters of law that have an obligatory precaution however if one finds difficulty in such a situation and wishes to try to lessen the hardship, then he can reach us and perhaps we will permit him to refer to another marja who’s next in superiority in knowledge, but one isn’t permitted to refer another marja in every matter that has an obligatory precaution.


Sheikh Muhammad Yaqoobi
