Youth and temptations
Youth and temptations
Question: I’m in my youth but I’ve gotten older and still haven’t been able to get married due to the hardships of the expenses that come along with marriage.
It’s becoming very difficult for me due to the absence of having a partner to have relations with, so what’s your advice in such a situation?
Answer: In His Name The Exalted; Don’t entertain such a thought of carrying out an ugly act and even try to avoid the preliminary steps required for this act (fornication) and guard yourself and your modesty by taking a wife for Allah will indeed assist and help you.
There’s a narration that highlights an important point, it says (Ones sustenance will increase by getting married and having children)
So I encourage you to take the beginning steps in getting married and discuss this subject with your family and close friends for I’m sure that they won’t fail to help you and assist you in such an important affair and we also help those who are looking to get married with assistance.