Menstruation and reading from the Holy Quran

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Menstruation and reading from the Holy Quran


Question: Is it allowed for a menstruating woman to read the Holy Quran or are there certain conditions that must be met?


Answer: In His Name The Exalted; Its permitted for a menstruating woman to read the Holy Quran as much as she wishes and its not just recommended for non-menstruation women but also for a woman who’s menstruating.

However the chapters which have verses that if read one must prostrate, must be avoided. These chapters are (Surah Sajda : Chapter 32, Surah Fussilat : Chapter 41, Surah Najm : Chapter 53, and alAlaq : Chapter 96)

However is she hears these being recited by another person, it will be obligatory for to prostrate.

In light of that, it’s a shame that some women leave this great act in the period of menstruation and even in the Holy Month of Ramadan.

Also one who’s menstruating must be aware that it’s not permitted for her to touch the text of the Holy Quran because this is conditional with being in the state of purity.