Inquiries about disrespecting and cursing symbols that are held in high esteem by our Sunni brethren

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Inquiries about disrespecting and cursing symbols that are held in high esteem by our Sunni brethren


In His Name The Exalted

To the Honorable Sheikh Muhammad Yaqoobi

Our dear Sheikh, on the day of commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Muhammad Jawad(as), some youth came out and were openly cursing certain figures that are held dearly by our Sunni brothers

What is the ruling on such actions?


In His Name The Exalted

Peace and blessings be upon you

This senseless and ignorant act has no connection whatsoever with the teachings of the infallibles and these types of actions carried out by some should have the attention from both sides (shia and sunni) and not allow it to sow dissension between them.

We’ve spoken at great length about this subject under the title (The schemes of Shaitan which are used against others) and we have warned and brought it to the youths attention to refrain from being involved in such ugly actions.

Sheikh Muhammad Yaqoobi

Dhul Hijja 7 1434