Not permitted for parents to spy on their children
Not permitted for parents to spy on their children
The Honorable Sheikh Muhammad Yaqoobi has stated that the act of putting certain devices used for spying in the phones of computers of their children in order to spy on them and follow their every step is forbidden.
The reason being is that the act of spying itself is forbidden as Allah The Exalted states in the Holy Quran (Don’t spy on one another. {Chapter The Compartments verse 12}) even if the purpose behind spying is good but the means towards a goal must be correct in order for the action to be correct, not just the ends and goal.
Also if it’s been discovered by the sons or daughters that their parents are or were spying on them, then the parents should try their hardest to correct this or else the trust between them will be broken and this will greatly affect the relationship between the children and the parents.
However, it’s understandable to follow up with one’s children in order to look out for them and keep them safe from harm but without overstepping the boundaries of one’s freedom.
The Honorable Sheikh has not forgotten to remind and address the youth to not indulge in such acts that are not allowed nor that which may stir fear in the hearts of the parents or cause them to be suspicious of their activities
The same ruling applies to husband and wife, therefor it’s not allowed for either one to snoop around or invade the others privacy because this will lead the spouses to not trust one another and be suspicious of one another in which this will lead to many problems and issues in their marriage.