Apparent deviancies in the community
Apparent deviancies in the community
It’s been apparent that there are open deviancies that clearly go against the religion of Islam and the views of those who observe akhlaq (good conduct)
Some actions don’t become apparent in the community or society nor go past individual actions by a person unless the person becomes negligent and forgetful, then when this happens the person will lose that needed strength to fight against his lower desires and refrain from that which Allah has made forbidden. Then after that this person develops a sickness in his heart that is difficult to treat and heal.
So with that said, it is something that the people of the community especially the followers of the system of the guided scholars of the religion, want to get rid of and avoid and clean the community of these deviances with wisdom and good exhortation, holding on to an important action that’s necessary, enjoining that which is good and forbidding that which is evil. The Imam(as) had described this great act as a very honorable action
We encourage and call others to help and assist one another, applying the verse in the Holy Quran, (Help one another in doing good actions and don’t help one another in sin and transgressions, {The Table, verse 2})
We also encourage the people to work together as one body in order to bring forth this ideal form of society and help guide others by giving good advice and showing praise and appreciation for those who accept advice (There should amongst you a community which calls towards greatness and enjoins that which is good and forbids that which is evil. {Imran, verse 104})
1) Some Beauty parlors put up on their places pictures of women that go against what Islam stands for, so they should be given good advice to remove these pictures from the places.
2) Some groups that celebrate their weddings, whether it be male or female, and they carry out certain actions that are forbidden such as playing music, dancing or certain women dressing inappropriately in which it spreads deviation amongst others.
3) Some coffee shops have some youth whom carry out actions that are forbidden such as exchanging films or inappropriate relationships and the use of drugs.
4) Some families make the daughters dowry so high that it becomes very difficult for the man to meet this said amount even though the family knows the guy is a religious person who observes the religion however despite knowing this they refuse to pay attention to it and make the affair of dowry and marriage easier in which the result of this is is deviations being spread throughout the community.
This clearly goes against what the Imams(as) have encouraged their followers to observe in order to keep this great sunna alive.
5.) Some families who are descendants of the Holy Prophet Muhammad(ssawa) require for their daughters a husband who is also a descendant of the Holy Prophet Muhammad(sawa). We’ve discussed in length and details about this subject and how it keeps some women from marrying good and honorable brothers.
Sheikh Muhammad Yaqoobi
7 of The Month of Ramadan 1437