Permission to Revolt does not Mean a Certain Political Regime may be Imposed on People

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Permission to Revolt does not Mean a Certain Political Regime may be Imposed on People:

(Fourth) Permission to revolt does not mean a certain political regime may be imposed on the nation, even if it were righteous as it is. We previously mentioned the issue of the nation’s will in selecting the regime. Without obtaining its will, the regime cannot last, and it will soon collapse. This would indeed harm the Islamic project.

Indeed, it is possible to invest rebellion and the other ranks of establishing the right and eradicating the wrong in addition to the mechanisms of reform in raisin the awareness among people in the nation on the rightful demands and convincing them with it in addition to supporting the leader and expanding the base of his supporters.

Therefore, revolt against the authority is not justified in the political regimes that endorse democracy, as it is called. In such regimes the citizen has the right to express his will and opinion through casting ballots to vote in elections and the similar processes. Thus, whoever has a rightful project must convince electors with it in order to obtain the majority to rule. Only then, he can implement his project through the mechanism endorsed by the people.